👻 Oh My Ghost (2022) 👻
- 🌟 Rating: 5.8/10
- ⏳ Runtime: 2h 8min
- 🔊 Quality: HD
- 🎥 Type: Movie
- 🎬 Genre: Comedy, Horror
- 🎩 Directed By: R. Yuvan
- ⭐ Starring: Sunny Leone, Sathish, Dharsha Gupta
- 📡 Streaming On: ZEE5
- 📥 Uploaded By: Admin
📘 Plot Summary:
Oh My Ghost (2022) is a horror-comedy that brings laughs and chills in equal measure. The story revolves around a young woman who encounters a mischievous ghost with a mysterious past. As she unravels the secrets, unexpected twists and humorous scares keep the suspense alive. Directed by R. Yuvan and starring Sunny Leone, Sathish, and Dharsha Gupta, this film offers a light-hearted, spooky experience.
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