🎞️ Ranga (2022) 🎞️
- 🌟 Rating: 6.5/10
- ⏳ Runtime: 2h 10min
- 🔊 Quality: HD
- 🎥 Type: Movie
- 🎬 Genre: Action, Thriller
- 🎩 Directed By: Vinod DL
- ⭐ Starring: Sibi Sathyaraj, Nikhila Vimal
- 📡 Streaming On: Sun NXT
- 📥 Uploaded By: Admin
📘 Plot Summary:
Ranga (2022) is a suspenseful action thriller that follows the life of Ranga, a man who gets entangled in a series of unexpected events. As he tries to escape danger, he uncovers shocking truths that keep him constantly on the edge. Directed by Vinod DL and featuring Sibi Sathyaraj and Nikhila Vimal, the film combines intense action sequences with suspense, making it an exhilarating watch.
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