🎥 Alanaati Ramachandrudu (2024)🎥
- 🌟 Rating: Positive Reviews
- ⏳ Runtime: 2h 36min
- 📺 Quality: 4K Ultra HD
- 🎬 Type: Movie
- 🎭 Genre: Romantic Comedy
- 🎥 Director: Chilukuri Akash Reddy
- ⭐ Starring: Krishna Vamsi, Mokksha, Brahmaji, Sudha
- 📡 Streaming On: Amazon Prime Video
- 🎵 Music: Sashank Tirupathi
- 📥 Production Company: Hyniva Creations LLP
📖 Plot Summary:
Alanaati Ramachandrudu follows the story of Siddhu, an ambivert, who falls for Dharani, an extroverted girl. Despite his deep feelings, Siddhu hesitates to express his love due to his insecurities. The film humorously and emotionally explores their relationship as Siddhu overcomes his fears to win Dharani's heart.
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