🎬 Jigra (2024) 🎬
- ⭐ Rating: 7.5/10
- ⏳ Duration: 2h 10min
- 📺 Quality: HD
- 🎭 Genre: Action, Drama
- 🎟️ Director: Ravi K.
- 🎥 Lead Cast: Raghav, Priya
- 🌐 Available On: Prime Video
📜 Short Story:
Jigra (2024) follows the story of a young man who embarks on a quest for justice after a brutal attack on his family. Along his journey, he encounters powerful adversaries and uncovers secrets that force him to confront his own past. Filled with intense action and drama, *Jigra* is a fight for survival and vengeance.
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