🎥 Kraven the Hunter (2024)🎥
- 🌟 Rating: N/A (Mixed Reviews)
- ⏳ Runtime: 2h 7min
- 📺 Quality: 4K Ultra HD
- 🎬 Type: Movie
- 🎭 Genre: Superhero, Action
- 🎥 Director: J.C. Chandor
- ⭐ Starring: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, Russell Crowe
- 📡 Distributed By: Sony Pictures Releasing
- 📥 Budget: $110–130 Million
- 💵 Box Office Gross: $26 Million
📖 Plot Summary:
Kraven the Hunter follows Sergei Kravinoff's journey to becoming Marvel's iconic hunter. Determined to prove himself the world's greatest hunter, Kraven faces adversaries such as Aleksei Sytsevich (Rhino) and The Foreigner while grappling with family drama, especially with his estranged father, Nikolai Kravinoff. The film explores themes of power, identity, and survival.
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