🎥 Lal Salaam (2024)🎥
- 🌟 Rating: 3.5/5
- ⏳ Runtime: 2h 32min
- 📺 Quality: 4K Ultra HD
- 🎬 Type: Movie
- 🎭 Genre: Political Drama, Action
- 🎥 Director: Aishwarya Rajinikanth
- ⭐ Starring: Vishnu Vishal, Vikranth, Rajinikanth (Cameo), Dhanya Balakrishna, Kapil Dev
- 📡 Streaming On: Netflix (TBA)
- 📥 Released By: Lyca Productions
- 🎵 Music: A.R. Rahman
📖 Plot Summary:
Lal Salaam is a powerful political action drama set against the backdrop of cricket. It explores themes of communal harmony, particularly the Hindu-Muslim divide, and its impact on young sports enthusiasts. With Rajinikanth's magnetic presence as Moideen Bhai and A.R. Rahman's soul-stirring music, this film promises a blend of emotion, action, and a strong social message.
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